Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Pasta with Chicken and Brust Tomato "Sauce"

Can you guys believe that this is my 50th recipe? I didn’t think that I would be able to come up with so many almost original recipes; I personally am impressed.

As you know from past recipes, I’m not very good at coming up with recipes that allow you to only dirty one or two dishes. This is another one of those recipes, you need a few pans, but it’s worth it in the end. This is also a recipe that is better during the summer because that is when the tomatoes are in season.

If you do try this recipe out in the remaining time that tomatoes are in season, let me know what you think of it.

One last thing before the actual recipe; I want to thank you all for continuing to read my recipes, it really means a lot.

What You’ll Need…

Chicken Breasts (One per person.)
1lb Pasta (Your choice)
6 Slices Bacon
1-2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
1 Bell Pepper (Chopped)
½ Large Onion (Chopped)
2 Handfuls Mushrooms (Chopped)
2-3 Chili Peppers (Your choice; chopped)
1 Pint Baby Heirloom Tomatoes (Assorted colors.)
1- 1 ½ Cups Chicken Stock  
1 Tablespoon Herbes de Provence
Parmesan Cheese (To top.)
Fresh Basil (To top.)
Green Onions (Optional. Chopped; to top.)

Preheat your oven to 350.

Start out by lining a sheet pan with a cooling rack; place your bacon on the rack and bake at 350 until crisp, this takes anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes.

While the bacon is baking also start cooking the second protein. I personally like to start the chicken on the stove until the outside is browned and then finish it in the oven; but how you cook your chicken in up to you.

Once the chicken has been started fill a pot with water and let it come to a boil for your pasta. Once the water comes to a boil, drop your pasta and cook to your liking. As I have mentioned in the past, I do not like my pasta to be al dente, and therefore I cook my pasta longer. Cooking times also vary with each type of pasta.

While everything else is cooking and the water is coming to a boil move on to your vegetables. Chop the peppers, onions and mushrooms, but make sure that you leave the tomatoes whole.

Once the vegetables have been chopped heat the olive oil in a skillet and once it has been heated add the onions and peppers. Allow these vegetables to start to soften, about 5 minutes, before adding the tomatoes to the pan. Roll the tomatoes around in the pan to make sure that they are lightly coated in oil. At this point add 1 cup of stock. Allow the vegetables to simmer until the tomatoes burst; this takes about 10 minutes, but it could take a little longer. Just before the vegetable mixture is complete add the mushrooms and spices.

When the bacon and chicken are cooked through remove them from the oven and set them aside. Also, when the pasta is cooked to your liking drain it.

When the tomatoes have burst and the mushrooms have softened turn off the heat and add the pasta to the vegetable mixture. If it is too dry add some of the remaining stock. Combine the pasta and vegetable mixture.

Now, back to the protein; cut the chicken into strips and the bacon into small pieces.

To serve first spoon desired amount of pasta and vegetables onto a plate or into a boil. Top this layer the desired amount of chicken and bacon. Lastly, top with Parmesan cheese, fresh basil, and even chopped green onions if you’re feeling adventurous.


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Pasta with shrimp, steamed vegetables, and tomato sauce.

This week I have for you another meatless recipe. As I have said before, we like to have at least one meatless day a week, not just for the calories, but also because it helps in the money department. Now, because we try to have one day a week where we don’t eat meat we try to come up with a lot of recipes so that we’re not always eating the same thing on out meatless days.

This recipe is great for those of you that love pasta, love shrimp, and want a way to incorporate more veggies into your diet. If you try this one out, let me know what you think.

What You’ll Need…

1lb Pasta (Any kind you like. We have used macaroni and bow-tie pasta, but I’m sure that spaghetti or even orzo would be great.)
1lb Shrimp (Peeled, de-veined, and tails removed.)
1 Bell Pepper (Chopped)
1 Carrot (Chopped)
½ Large Onion (Chopped)
1 Rib Celery (Chopped)
1-2 Chili Peppers (Optional; you can use any kind you like.)
1 Head Broccoli (Cut into bite-sized pieces.)
4 Large Button Mushrooms (You can use crimini instead if you like.)
Herbes de Provence (To taste)
Parsley (To taste)
Basil (To taste)
Garlic Powder (To taste)
Tomato sauce (To taste; use your favorite kind.)
Parmesan Cheese (Optional; to top)

As always, start out by chopping your vegetables. Once everything has been chopped add the peppers, onion, and carrots to a wok or skillet with some water and cover it so that the vegetables can steam.

Now fill a pot with water and bring it to a boil for your pasta. While you wait for the water to boil and for the vegetables to soften; move onto the shrimp. Remove the shells, tails, and gunk from the shrimp and set them aside.

Once the first round of vegetables has started to soften add the broccoli to the mix; also at this point add a little more water, and re-cover the pan.

Once the water comes to a boil add your pasta and allow it to cook. I personally don’t like my pasta to be al dente, so I like to cook my pasta longer than most people; so cook the pasta to your liking.

While the pasta is cooking and once the broccoli has stated to soften add the remaining vegetables to the wok, as well as some more water.

Once all the vegetables are almost soft add the spices and shrimp and stir thoroughly. Once the shrimp is cooked turn the heat off and add the pasta and sauce, when the pasta is done that is. Combine everything thoroughly in the wok or skillet.

Enjoy the dish by itself or topped with cheese and fresh basil.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Spicy Sausage and Corn Chowder

I personally don’t know too many people that will turn down a nice warm bowl of soup. I also think that making soup from scratch is something that is a lot of fun to do. Yes, it takes a lot longer to get it to your table than opening a can and heating it in the microwave, but it’s worth it.

Now, I’ve only made this soup once, and I wasn’t able to use fresh corn for it; but it is something that I will make over and over again. I hope that if you do make this recipe that you enjoy it as much as we do.

What You’ll Need…

2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
4 Cloves Garlic (Finely chopped)
1 Large Onion (Chopped)
6 Ears or 6 Cups Corn
2 Tablespoons Herbes de Provence
1 Tablespoon Paprika
Salt (To taste)
Pepper (To taste)
1 Tablespoon Basil
1lb (1 large) Potatoes (Washed and diced)
4 Cups Chicken Stock
1 14oz Package Al Fresco Buffalo Chicken Sausage
2 Tablespoons Butter

Start out by chopping your onions and garlic, washing and dicing your potatoes, and cutting the corn kernels from the cob if you are using fresh corn.

Now, heat the olive oil over medium-high heat in a stock pot, or the pot that use to make mashed potatoes. Once the oil is hot add the garlic and onions and allow them to cook for 8-10 minutes, or until they are soft. Stir occasionally.

At this point start to cook your sausage. You can cook them any way that you want to; I personally like to bake them in the oven at 350 for about 20 minutes.

Once the vegetables are soft add the corn, stock, spices, and potatoes. If the stock doesn’t cover the vegetables add water until the vegetables are covered with liquid. Stir to combine.

Allow the soup to cook, partially covered, for 20 -30 minutes.  Once the sausage is completely cooked let it cool enough so that you can handle it; cut the sausage into bite-sized pieces and set it aside until the soup is finished.

When the soup has simmered for 20-30 minutes carefully spoon it into a blender, in batches, and blend. After all of the soup has been blended return it to the pot and add the butter. After the soup is stirred add the sausages bites and combine.

Serve plain, topped with sour cream, green onions, or anything you like.  


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Broccoli Cauliflower Mash

As a kid I never liked cauliflower; but I have found a way to make it tolerable, so that I can actually eat it since Howard likes it. Not only is the dish a great way to get more veggies into your diet, or into your kids, but it is an interesting twist on regular mashed potatoes. It’s also a lot better for you than just potatoes.

If you try this out, let me know what you think!

What You’ll Need…

2 Large Potatoes (Any kind you like.)
1 Head Cauliflower (Cut into florets)
1 Head Broccoli (Cut into florets)
1 Tablespoon Butter
Garlic Powder (To taste)
Chili Powder (To taste)
Herbes de Provence (To taste)

Start out by washing your potatoes and cutting the cauliflower and broccoli into florets. Once the cleaning and cutting is complete place the vegetables in one large or two medium pots and cover with cold water.

Allow the water to come to a boil and continue to boil until the potatoes and vegetables are fork tender.

Once the vegetables are tender, carefully drain the water from the pot(s). I find that the easiest way to do this is by cover the pot(s) with their lids and draining this way instead of using a colander, this way all of the broccoli and cauliflower bits stay in the pot.

Once all of the water has been drained mash all of the vegetables using a potato masher. If you used two separate pots to cook the vegetables, combine all of the mashed vegetables in one pot at this point. Once the vegetables are mashed, mix in the butter and spices. You can use more butter if you want, but this is the amount that we use. You may also be wondering why no milk is added; well, there is enough moisture left in the broccoli and cauliflower, that no milk is needed.

Once everything had been combined enjoy!