Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Peach Ketchup

A few years ago we made peach barbecue sauce and it was amazing! So a few weeks ago we had some fresh peaches and tomatoes that we didn’t want to go bad, so we had to use them. How do you use both tomatoes and peaches in the same recipe, though? The answer, peach ketchup!

What You’ll Need…

3 Large Tomatoes
3 Large (5-6 small) Peaches
2 Tablespoons Vinegar
2 Tablespoons Sugar
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
2 Teaspoons Corn Starch

Start out by dicing the tomatoes and the peaches.

Place all of the ingredients, except the corn starch, in a 3-quart pot and place on the stove over medium-low heat.

Allow the mixture to cook for about 20 minutes, or until the peaches and tomatoes are soft.

Carefully transfer everything from the pot to your blender and blend until smooth.

The sauce will be thin, and that is what the corn starch is for! Pour the sauce back into the pot, place it back on the heat and add the corn starch. Whisk until incorporated.

Allow the sauce to cook and thicken for about 10 more minutes.

Cool slightly and serve with everything you would serve with regular ketchup! 

Friday, July 7, 2017

Texican Lasagna

It has been FOREVER since I lasted posted a recipe and for that I apologize! Life has been crazy busy lately, well for the last few months. Today, though, I finally have a new delicious item for you and I hope that I can get back on track and share at least once a month, if not more.

Today we have for you Texican Lasagna – yes, you read that right. This is a Tex-Mex Lasagna and it is delicious!

What You’ll Need…

1 Package Oven Ready Lasagna Noodles
1lb Ground Meat (Beef, Turkey, Chicken, etc.)
1 ½ - 2 Cups Salsa (Your favorite kind)
1 Cup Sour Cream
2 Cups Shredded Cheese (Mexican Blend works best, but anything will taste good.)
1 ½ - 2 Cups Frozen or Fresh Corn
Seasoned Salt

Preheat your oven to 375.

Cook the ground meat and season with seasoned salt.

Place a thin layer of salsa on the bottom of a well-greased 9x13 pan.

Follow that up with a layer of lasagna noodles, another layer of salsa, a layer of ground meat, a layer of corn, a layer of sour cream and a layer of cheese.

Place another layer of noodles on top of the cheese and repeat the salsa, meat, corn, sour cream and cheese layers.

Top the second layer of cheese with a layer of noodles and cover that with a thin layer of salsa.

Cover the pan with foil and bake at 375 for 45 minutes. Uncover and bake for an additional 15 minutes.

Allow to rest for a few minutes after removing from the oven so that it doesn’t fall apart as much.

Serve and enjoy!