Wednesday, October 24, 2012


It's fall! My second favorite season to winter, but I'll take what I can get. This is my third fall in California so I should be used to the lack of real fall weather. I still miss the East Coast falls though, fall in Pittsburgh is the best. It just started raining here the other day which means that in a few weeks it should start snowing in Pennsylvania. I miss not having to drive somewhere to see snow...

As I said, it's fall, and that means that apples are in season. Apples are delicious, well most of them are. There are so many things that you can make with apples, most of them desserts, but they are all worth the time that it takes to make them. 

With all of this being said, a few weeks ago we bought apples and I wanted to make something with them. I decided on applesauce, it's simple and the hardest part of the whole process is cutting the apples. This applesauce is delicious. It is my own recipe and somehow it tastes like apple pie, yes even the crust part of the pie. So, on to the recipe...

What you'll need...
3 ½ - 4lbs Apples
Lemon juice, enough so that the apples don’t turn brown.
½ teaspoon Salt
½ teaspoon Nutmeg
1 teaspoon Cinnamon
¼ Cup Sugar
¼ Cup Brown Sugar
1 Cup Water

Start off by peeling all of the apples with a vegetable peeler, coring the apples and cutting the apples, a large dice will do nicely. As I said above, this is the hardest part of the entire process.


Once an apple is diced place it in a bowl and coat with lemon juice so that it doesn't brown while you cut the rest of the apples. When all of the apples are diced combine all of the ingredients in a pot and bring to a boil.

Once at a boil bring the mixture down to a simmer, give it a good stir and let it continue to cook for 25-30 minutes.

When the sauce is done cooking stir it again to make sure that everything is combined. If you like a thicker, chunkier applesauce mash it with a potato masher. However, if you like an applesauce that is more smooth you can put it through a food mill or put it in the blender. This apple sauce is delicious warm or cold. Enjoy it by itself or even on top of some zucchini bread. Obviously store the sauce in the refrigerator. Enjoy!

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