Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Slightly Spicy Turkey Meatballs

Okay, so meatballs are delicious and they can be paired with just about any side dish out there. These little, or maybe not so little, balls of meat are simple to make, the longest part of the process is waiting for them to bake. And, they’re fun to make.

Another great thing about meatballs is that you can put just about anything into them and they will still taste amazing. Now, this recipe is my base meatball recipe, but we had tired a number of different “mix-in” combinations. You can always just stick with the base recipe, which is delicious, or you can add apple and fennel, or mushrooms and feta, or you could even leave out the sausage and just use two pounds of ground meat.

What You’ll Need…
1lb Ground Turkey
1 Package (5 links) Buffalo Style Chicken Sausage
1 Egg
½ - 1 Cup Oats
½ Cup Wilted Spinach
½ Packet of Onion Soup Mix
Basil (To taste)
Garlic Powder (To taste)
Black Pepper (To taste)
Chili Powder (To taste)
Herbes de Provence (To taste)
Crushed Red Pepper (To taste)
Ground Mustard (Optional, to taste)
½ Cup Shredded Parmesan Cheese

Preheat your oven to 350.

If you are using fresh spinach, start out by wilt it; remember spinach shrinks down a lot.

Once the spinach has been wilted and slightly cooled at it as well as all of the ingredients to a medium mixing bowl. Be sure to squeeze the sausages from their casings.

Using your hands combine all of the ingredients. Make sure that everything is combined thoroughly, but do not over work the meat or it will get tough.

Once everything has been combined form the meat mixture into balls and place them onto a greased baking sheet. You can make the meatballs any size that you like; I personally like to make mine slightly large, between the size of a golf ball and that of a baseball, at that size I get between 9-10 meatballs from this recipe.

Once all of your balls have been form and placed on the baking sheet bake them at 350 for about 35 minutes. REMEMBER, this baking time is for larger meatballs, baking time will vary based on the size of your meatballs.

The meatballs are done when they are cooked all the way through and are browned on the outside.

Enjoy mixed in with pasta, by themselves topped with tomato sauce and cheese, on a sandwich, or even dipped in ketchup, after all they are just meatloaf in ball form.

Enjoy! And if you try this recipe, let me know that you think. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Baked Wheat Germ Shrimp

I personally think that shrimp is delicious; and if you’re like Howard and I are do one meatless day a week, then it’s always good to have plenty of meatless recipes to go to. This is one such recipe. Now, back to the shrimp. Breaded shrimp is great, but most times the breading is packed with things that aren’t good for you, and if something is breaded it is normally fried. Have no fear; both of those problems have been solved with this recipe.

On a nutrition note: Not only are you getting tons of great protein from the shrimp, but wheat germ is incredibly good for you. (That is unless you’re allergic to it.)

What You’ll Need…
1lb Shrimp (Peeled, de-veined, and tails removed.) [Any size shrimp you like.]
1 Egg (Beaten)
1-1 ½ Cups Wheat Germ
1 Tablespoon Garlic Powder
½ Tablespoon Chili Powder

Preheat you oven to 350.

If the shrimp that you buy still has its shells and tails, start out by removing them. Once the shrimp have been cleaned set up your “breading” station. Pour the wheat germ, garlic powder, and chili powder into a dish that is larger enough to toss the shrimp and combine. Also beat the egg in a smaller dish.
Taking about five shrimp at a time, that is if they are medium shrimp, place them first in the egg and then into the wheat germ. Be sure to let the excess egg drip off before you place the shrimp into the breading. Coat the shrimp in wheat germ and then place the breaded shrimp onto a greased baking sheet. Repeat the process until all of the bread has been breaded.

Bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes.

When it is done it will be golden brown, crunchy, and delicious. A great side to go along with it is bake corn on the cob.

Enjoy the shrimp by itself or dipped in ketchup or any other dipping sauce you like. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Simple Chicken Salad

This week’s recipe is a simple one; but while it is simple to make the flavors are complex. Most people think of chicken salad as a quick lunch with chicken from a can, and it can be, but this chicken salad is great for lunch or dinner.

Let me know what you think!

What You’ll Need…

3 Medium Chicken Breasts (Or 2 small cans of chicken.)
1 Green Onion (Chopped)
1 Celery Rib (Chopped)
¼ - ½ Cup Raisins
2 Tablespoons Mayonnaise
1 ½ - 2 Tablespoons Mustard (I prefer honey Dijon.)
Sriracha Sauce (To taste)
1 Teaspoon Garlic Powder
1 Teaspoon Chili Powder
½ Teaspoon Paprika
1 Teaspoon Herbes de Provence

Start out by cooking your chicken; you can do this on the stovetop or in the oven. Once the chicken is cooked allow it to cool slightly so that you can work with it. While the chicken is cooling wash and chop your vegetables.

Once the chicken is slightly cooled cut it into small bite sized pieces and combine it with all of the remaining ingredients.

Once the salad is combined allow it to chill covered in the refrigerator for 15 minutes to an hour. You can eat it while it is still warm, but I prefer it to be chilled.

Serve with crackers, bread, or tortillas. I also find that a pickle goes well with the salad on a sandwich or in a wrap.

Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Mashed Carrots (Carrot Puree)

If you’re looking for an easy and delicious vegetable side dish; but you’re tired of salad and boiled frozen vegetables, these mashed carrots are for you. Carrots are delicious and they’re amazingly good for you.  

What You’ll Need…

1lb Carrots (Peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces)
1Tablespoon Butter
1 Teaspoon Honey
¼ Teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
Pinch of Pepper
Pinch of Salt
Pinch of Herbes de Provence
Pinch of Chili Powder
¼ Milk (Optional)

Start out by washing, peeling, and cutting your carrots into 1-inch pieces.
Place the carrots into a pot and cover with water; make sure that the carrots are covered by 2 inches. Now, allow the water to come to a boil, about 8 minutes.

Once the carrots come to a boil reduce the heat and allow the carrots to simmer for 20-25 minutes.

When the carrots are completely cooked carefully drain them and mashed them with a potato masher. Now, add the remaining ingredients with the exception of the milk. Mix the carrots, butter, and spices to loosely combine.

If you want a chunky texture thoroughly combine the ingredients, leaving out the milk, and at this point you can serve your mashed carrots. However, I enjoy a slightly smoother texture. If you do too move the mashed carrots to a food processor or blend, add the milk, and blend until a smooth texture is achieved. Add the milk slowly; you may not need the whole amount.

Slow any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator. I personally have never had any leftovers.


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Banana Nut Muffins

Mmm muffins; everyone loves them, right? I think that my favorite kind of muffin is banana nut, I don’t know what it is about them, but they’re delicious. While muffins are amazing, there is always the problem of how tremendously bad for you there are. Well, I think that I have come up with a solution to this problem.

These muffins are gluten free, they don’t contain processed sugar, and well, they’re delicious. They’re also not too bad for you when it comes to calories. Please let me know what you think of them if you make them!

What You’ll Need…

8 Ripe Bananas
1 ½ Cups Almond Flour
1 ½ Cups Rice Flour
2 Eggs
1 Teaspoon Baking Soda
½ Teaspoon Baking Powder
¼ Cup Honey
2 Teaspoons Vanilla (Or one vanilla bean.)
¼ Teaspoon Nutmeg
1 Teaspoon Cinnamon
½ Cup Slivered Almonds

Preheat your oven to 350.

Start out placing the peeled bananas in a medium mixing bowl and mush them with a fork.
Once the bananas have been mashed add all of the remaining ingredients expect for the almonds. Stir the mixture until combined. Now add the nuts and stir again until they are incorporated.

Now, either grease your muffin tins or line them with paper wrappers. Using a ¼ Cup measuring cup fill the tins. (This should make 22 muffins.)

Once the tins are filled bake the muffins at 350 for 30-35 minutes.

Allow the muffins to cool slightly before you dig in! They are great by themselves, but they are also great topped with Nutella.

Store any leftovers in an airtight container; they keep longer in the refrigerator.