Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Chocolate Banana Wrap

I know, this isn’t much of a recipe; but that’s one of the things that make it great! There’s no cooking involved! I eat

this wrap for lunch every day during the week, and I have for months, and I haven’t gotten tired of it. It’s that good.

So if you’re looking for something simple, delicious, and semi-good for you for lunch; try this wrap out. I’m sure

that you have a lot of the ingredients in your house already and wheat germ is worth the investment.

What You’ll Need…

1 Flour Tortilla (It doesn’t work as well with corn tortillas.)

1 Tablespoon Peanut Butter

1 Tablespoon Nutella

1 Whole Banana

½ Tablespoon Wheat Germ

Cinnamon (To taste)

Start out by laying the tortilla flat on the counter and then dolloping the peanut butter on one end. Spread the peanut

butter in a thin layer, keeping it on one side of the tortilla. Dollop the nutella directly on top of the peanut butter and

spread it thin.

Now, lay a whole peeled banana on top of the peanut butter and nutella. Lastly sprinkle the wheat germ and cinnamon on top of the nutella. 

Roll the tortilla around the banana starting on the end with all of the ingredients. 

(The wrap is just as good without the banana, just a little different.)


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