Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Nutella and Goat Cheese Crepes

If you’re looking for a special, maybe French inspired, weekend or holiday breakfast, these crepes may just be for you. You don’t have to keep the filling exactly the same as the recipe says, but the goat cheese, fruit, and chocolate go together perfectly. These are perfect for a Christmas morning breakfast!

What You’ll Need…

4 Large Eggs
1 Cup Milk
½ Cup Flour
1 Tablespoon Sugar
1/8 Teaspoon Salt
3 Tablespoons Butter, (Cut into 12 cubes)
½ Teaspoon Vanilla Extract

4 oz Blueberry or Cranberry Flavored Goat Cheese
Nutella (To Taste)

In a medium mixing bowl combine the eggs, milk, flour, sugar, salt, and vanilla. It should look like a very thin pancake batter.

Once the batter is mixed place one of the butter cubes in a 10-inch non-stick skillet and allow the butter to melt and coat the pan.

When the butter is melted pour ¼ Cup of the batter into the skillet and swirl it around so that the entire bottom of the skillet is coated. Over medium heat allow the crepe to cook for about one minute. While it is cooking go around the edges with a spatula so that it doesn’t stick. After one minute flip the crepe and allow the other side to cook, one more minute.

Place the cooked crepe on an oven safe plate and keep warm in a 200 degree oven until the remaining crepes are cooked.

Repeat the process with the remaining batter. This should make 8-9 crepes.

When all of the crepes are cooked, one at a time, place a crepe on a plate or cutting board and place a serving of goat cheese and Nutella in the center. Fold in two of the ends, the one facing you and the one away from you. Take one side and fold it over the filling and then roll it over the rest of the crepe. (You can always use plain goat cheese and your favorite jelly or jam instead of the flavored kind.)

Enjoy the crepes as they are, or you can top with cinnamon or cinnamon and syrup.  

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