Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Cheesy Walnut Risotto

Friday is Valentine’s Day, and believe it or not, it isn’t just a Hallmark holiday. There is historical and religious background to the holiday, but that is for a different time. While many people out there, that do celebrate this holiday based on love, think about going out to an expensive dinner or store-bought chocolate, a home cooked meal and dessert is even more romantic. So, if you still don’t know what to make for your special someone this year think about making this amazing, and romantic, side part of your special meal.

What You’ll Need…

1 Cup Arborio Rice (Uncooked)
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
¼ Large Onion or 2 Shallots (Diced)
3 Cups Beef Broth (You can use chicken broth instead.)
½ Cup Walnut Halves and pieces
2oz Your Favorite Cheese (Grated)
1 Teaspoon Black Pepper

Start out by dicing your onion or shallot before sautéing it until almost soft in a 3 quart sauce pan, this should take about 3 minutes.

At this point add your one cup of rice an allow it to toast for about 2 minutes, stir occasionally.

After two minutes add 1 cup of stock and cook until the liquid is absorbed, stirring frequently. Once the liquid has been absorbed add the remaining stock one cup at a time and cook until the liquid is absorbed. Stir frequently. The finished product should appear creamy.

While the rice is cooking toast the walnuts in a dry skillet for 3-5 minutes or until slightly fragrant. Be careful, it is incredibly easy to burn the nuts. Once the nuts have toasted and cooled slightly chop them into small bite-sized pieces so that they can be even distributed throughout the risotto.

When the rice is cooked remove it from the heat before mixing in the nuts, grated cheese, and pepper.

Serve with chicken, steak, pork, or even seafood. Enjoy!  
(This is the leftovers after they sat in the fridge all night because my cell phone did not save the picture I took when it was fresh, I'm very sorry.)

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