Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Ultimate Breakfast Sandwiches

Mmm breakfast. I’m sure that many of you just grab something and eat it on the way to work, or a smoothie for those of you that are “super healthy”. During the week we have a bowl of cereal to start the day, but when it comes to the weekend we like to have something that is more involved.

One thing that we have really gotten into recently is breakfast sandwiches; we even had them as breakfast for dinner one night a few weeks ago. I figure since almost everyone loves sandwiches and I haven’t posted a breakfast recipe in a while that this would be a good way to go.

What You’ll Need… (For 4 sandwiches)

8 Eggs
8 Slices Bacon
8 Slices Bread (Your choice)
4 Slices Cheese (Your choice)
2 Cups Greens (Your choice)
4 Button Mushrooms (Sliced)
1 Bell Pepper (Cut into rings)
Salt (To taste)
Pepper (To taste)
1 ½ - 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil

Preheat your oven to 400.

While you’re waiting for your oven to come to temperature prepare the vegetables and place the bacon on a greased cooling rack that has been placed on top of a baking sheet.

Once the oven has come to temperature allow the bacon to bake for 10-15 minutes, this all depends on how crispy you like your bacon.

In a skillet with about ½ a tablespoon of olive oil allow the pepper rings to soften; again this depends on the texture that you like. Once the peppers are to your liking remove them from the pan, add the greens and a bit more oil, and allow the greens to wilt. Once the greens are almost completely wilted add the mushrooms and allow them to soften.

Once the veggies are cooked the bacon should be about done, when it is, remove it from the oven and set it aside.

Now onto the eggs; crack the eggs directly into a greased skillet, four at a time. Break the yolks, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and cook over medium heat. When the eggs are almost cooked carefully flip them over so that the other side can cook. You may have to separate the individual eggs with a spatula.

Once everything is cooked it’s time to assemble the sandwiches. Each sandwich gets one pepper ring, two slices, of bacon, two eggs, one slice of cheese, and a spoonful, or as much as you like, of greens and mushrooms.

Once the sandwiches are assembled to your liking, place them on a baking sheet and place them in the oven for about 5 minutes to allow the cheese to melt.

Enjoy as is or add ketchup!

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