Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Tofu Steaks

I know, I know there are those of you saying, “Ew, tofu.” As I’ve said before, it tastes exactly like nothing. That is until you put it with or in something. So, this recipe is really up to the imagination, use whatever spices you like and make it yours. This has become our go to tofu recipe mostly because it is versatile, but it is also delicious and simple.

What You’ll Need…

1lb. Extra Firm Tofu
1 Bell Pepper (Cut into thin strips)
½ Medium Onion (Diced)
3-4 Large Button Mushrooms (Sliced)
Spices (Your choice, go wild!)
1-2 Tablespoons Olive Oil

This meal takes a bit of prep, but it’s worth it. Start out by pressing your tofu for about an hour to get rid of the excess water.

Towards the end of the press time prep and beginning to cook your vegetables. Sauté your peppers and onions in olive oil in a large skillet. When those are almost to your liking add the mushrooms and sauté for about five minutes.

When the tofu has been pressed for an hour turn it up on its side and cut it in half so that you have two “steaks”. Add the spices of your choice to the top side of the tofu. Now, move the vegetables off to the sides of the skillet and place the tofu steaks in the center, spice side down. Once they have been added add spices to the second side and allow the tofu to cook. This doesn’t take long; you just want it to get a slight crust on the outside and to warm through. Carefully flip the tofu half-way through.

Once the tofu has a crust and is heated turn off the heat and serve. Place the steak on the plate first and top generously with vegetables.

Serve as is or add your favorite sauce. Enjoy! 

(No picture this week... next time we have this dish I will be sure to take and add one.)

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