Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Cherry Milkshakes

Two Fridays ago Whole Foods had cherries on sale and since my mom and sisters were coming out here I picked up a bunch. Seriously, I bought 5lbs of cherries. Since we needed to get rid of some cherries before they went bad and we were also in need of a dessert idea I came up with this masterpiece. The process of actually making the shake is short and sweet; well except for pitting the cherries, that part is a bit harder than just blending. Enjoy this awesome summer treat while cherries are still in season. Or you could make this in the winter with frozen cherries, but I imagine it would be better if you personally froze fresh cherries instead of using store bought already frozen cherries.

What You’ll Need…

3 Cups Pitted Cherries
3 Cups Vanilla Ice Cream
1 Cup Milk (More if you like a thinner milkshake.)

Place the ice cream, cherries, and milk in blender and blend until combined. For a thinner shake add more milk until the shake has the desired texture. Pour into four glasses and enjoy! 

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