Thursday, January 29, 2015


This week’s recipe can easily be done with or without vegetables and just about any protein. This version, however, does have vegetables and tofu. Another great version is tofu and bacon if you’re going something that isn’t meatless.

What You’ll Need…

½ lb Pasta (Any kind you like.)
1lb Extra Firm Tofu (Or other protein) [Allow the tofu to press for one hour before cooking for better color on the outside.]
1 Bell Pepper (Cut into strips)
½ A Medium Onion (Cut into strips)
1 Cup Korean BBQ Bulgogi Sauce
¼ Maple Syrup
Garlic Powder (To taste)
Pepper (To taste)
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil

Fill a three quart pot with water and allow it to come to a boil. While you wait prepare the tofu and vegetables.

After the tofu has been pressed turn it up onto the long, thinner side and slice it in three. Tip the tofu back onto the large flat side and slice the tofu into small bite sized pieces. Place the squares aside and move onto the vegetables.

Cut both the pepper and onion into thin strips. Sauté the vegetables until they are to your likeness and set them aside.

When the water has come to a boil add the pasta and cook per the instructions for that particular cut of pasta.

Heat the olive oil in a large skillet and add the tofu to it and the spices. Allow the tofu to heat through and achieve color on at least two sides.

When the pasta is cooked to your liking drain it and add it directly to the skillet containing the tofu. Add the vegetables, bulgogi sauce, and maple syrup. Using tongs of two forks stir all of the ingredients so that everything is combined and the sauce is evenly distributed.

The “ramen” is not ready to be served. This dish is great both hot and cold.


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Spinach Artichoke Dip

This is another dish that we made for my parents on their anniversary. It's a great appetizer that is actually quite simple to make.

What You'll Need...

1 (8oz) Package Artichoke Hearts
3/4 lb Fresh Baby Spinach
8oz Cream Cheese (Softened)
1/4 CupMayonnaise
1 Cup Shredded Mozerella Cheese
Salt (To taste)
Pepper (To taste)
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
Bread/Chips (For dipping)

Start our by wilting the spinach in a skillet with olive oil. While the spinach is wilting chop the artichoke hearts into small bite-sized pieces.

When the spinach is fully wilted add the artichokes and allow them to warm through.

In a mixing bowl combine the cream cheese, mayonnaise, cheese, salt, and pepper. Once thoroughly combined add in the spianch and artichokes and mix to combine.

 If serving from another dish transfer the dip to the new dish at this point. Place the dish in the microwave and heat for 1 minute.

Serve with toasted bread or chips and enjoy.

(No photo available this week.)

Friday, January 16, 2015

Bison Noodle Soup

Christian, my seven month old son, loves soup. He devoured this soup and I hope that you will want to too when you try it.

What You’ll Need…

2-4 Bison Steaks (Depending on how meaty you want the soup to be.)
1 Gallon Water
1 Package Cut Bone Marrow/ Oxtail [Optional]
1 lb. Pasta.
2 Large Carrots (Chopped)
2-3 Stalks of Celery (Chopped)
½ Large Onion (Chopped)
1 Cup Corn
½ Cup Peas
½ Teaspoon Dried Parsley
½ Teaspoon Dried Oregano
½ Teaspoon Dried Basil
1 Teaspoon Garlic Powder
¾ Teaspoon Salt

If you choose not to use marrow or oxtail you can substitute with beef or chicken broth and water. (6 Cups Broth + 6 Cups Water)

If you are making your own broth by using either bone marrow or oxtail place the “meat” into your stock pot and cover with one gallon of water. Allow the water to come to a boil, turn down the heat, and then allow to simmer for 45 minutes.

Once the flavor has been extracted from the meat remove the bones from the water, scrap out the marrow into the pot, if you’re using that as your flavoring agent and discard the bones.

Place your chopped vegetables, except the corn, and spices into the pot and allow to simmer for 30 minutes or until the vegetables are almost soft.

While the vegetables are cooking cook the steaks in a skillet and set aside to rest for about five minutes after they have been cooked. After the meat has rested slice it into bite-sized pieces.

Turn the heat down slightly when the vegetables are almost soft, also at this time add the pasta, corn, peas, and bison.

When the pasta is cooked the soup is down.

Enjoy alone or with crackers. 

Twice Baked Potatoes

The last month has been a little crazy… We were out of town for 27 days. We spent just over two weeks in Pittsburgh and then 11 days in Florida—10 of those days were at Walt Disney World. While we were in Florida I missed a week of posting, so this week I’ll be posting two recipes.

This first recipe is something that I have made a couple of times, one of which was during our vacation for my family for my parent’s anniversary. You should try these potatoes out They’re delicious.

What You’ll Need…

4 Large Bakers Potatoes
¼ Cup Sour Cream
1 Cup Shredded/Grated Cheese (Any kind you like.)
4 Slices Bacon
½ Cup More Cheese (For topping)
2 Green Onions (Chopped) [Optional]

Pre-heat your oven to 400.

Start out by washing and drying the outside of the potatoes.

Place the potatoes directly onto the rack in your oven and allow them to bake until fork tender – about 1 hour.

Towards the end of the baking time start on your bacon. Bake the bacon on a cooling rack that has been placed on a baking sheet. Allow the bacon to bake for 10 minutes.

Once the potatoes have baked allow them to cool slightly so that you can handle them. Once they have cooled cut each potato in half lengthwise and carefully scoop out the insides of the potatoes and place them in a mixing bowl. You want to scoop out as much as you can while still allowing there to be enough to that the potato half still has enough structural integrity so that it doesn’t collapse.

When all of the potato insides has been added to the bowl place the outsides on a baking sheet. Cut or break up the bacon and add it to the bowl with the sour cream, cheese, and onions if you’re using them. Mix to combine.

Scoop the mixture into the potato halves. You will have some filling left over. Top the potatoes with cheese.

Bake the potatoes for an additional 15-20.
