Wednesday, November 28, 2012

BBQ Sauce

Hey guys! This week's recipe is fairly simple, but homework has pretty much taken over this week. BBQ sauce can make just about anything better. You can put it on pork or chicken, dip french fries or onion rings in, even mix it into baked beans. About ten months ago I came up with a recipe for homemade BBQ sauce; we use it mostly for pulled pork and BBQ chicken pizza. Onto the recipe...

What You'll Need...

1 Cup Ketchup
1/2 Cup Honey
1 Tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce
1 teaspoon vinegar (Any kind you have.)
1 teaspoon Lemon Juice
1/4 + 1/8 Cup Brown Sugar
1/2 teaspoon Black Pepper
3/4 teaspoon Garlic Powder
Hot Sauce (To taste)

Measure out all of the ingredients into a small pot and stir over medium heat for about five minutes. Stir constantly or the sauce will begin to bubble and will make a mess. Once the sauce has cooked for five minutes, enjoy! Store in an air-tight container in the refrigerator and use for all of your BBQ sauce needs. 

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