Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Turkey and Couscous Stuffed Bell Peppers

As you know we’ve been eating healthier for the last two months, and it really is paying off. I’ve gotten pretty creative in the kitchen in the last few months and have come up with some recipes that are both delicious and healthy. This week’s recipe, again, falls into that category. 

Now, to be able to have our kitchen stocked, at least for a week or so, we have been buying a lot of things in bulk. It has proven to be a lot cheaper in the long run and we can get as much as we want of an ingredient. These stuffed peppers feature an ingredient that we now buy in bulk, couscous.

What You’ll Need

1lb Ground Turkey
1 Cup Dry Couscous
2 Cups Water
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
2 Cups Tomato Sauce (We use the Chuck Tomato Ragu that was featured a few weeks ago.)
4-6 Bell Peppers (Whatever color you like.)
Salt (To Taste)
Pepper (To Taste)

Preheat your oven to 350.

As always, we start out with the vegetables, even though peppers are technically fruit. Rinse the peppers, cut the top off, and remove the seeds and ribs. Once the peppers are de-seeded place them on a baking sheet and let them roast in the oven for about 15 minutes so that they begin to soften.

While the peppers are roasting brown the ground turkey in a medium skillet until it is cooked through.

Now, for the couscous. Heat the tablespoon of olive oil in a heavy saucepan. Once the oil is hot add in the couscous and let it cook for 3-5 minutes or until it has browned slightly and is aromatic. Stir the couscous occasionally.

Once the couscous has browned add the water and let it come to a boil. Once the water has come to a boil let it simmer for about 10 minutes or until the liquid has evaporated.

While the couscous is cooking remove the peppers from the oven and pour out the water that has accumulated.

Once the couscous is done combine it with the browned meat, sauce, salt and pepper. Fill the peppers until the filling reaches the top and place the filled peppers in a greased casserole pan. You may have left over filling; this depends on how many peppers you are making. The filling is delicious by itself.

Bake the peppers at 350 for about 20 minutes. 


Serve the peppers as they are or add more sauce. Cover the leftovers with foil and store in the refrigerator.

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