Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tangy Bean Salad

Since it’s spring I figure I should start sharing some “spring” recipes. Of course this salad can be enjoyed anytime of the year, but it does have a slightly spring feel to it. Enjoy this delicious salad for lunch or even a light dinner.

What You’ll Need…

2 Cups Dried Beans (Any kind you like, but a mix is better than just one kind.)
1 Bell Pepper (Diced)
¼ - ½ Cup Walnuts (Chopped)
¼ - ½ Cup Almonds (Chopped)
1- 2 Tablespoons Fresh Basil (Chopped)
½ Recipe of Mustard Vinaigrette
Parmesan Cheese (To top)

Mustard Vinaigrette:

½ Cup Dijon Mustard
¼ Cup Balsamic Vinegar
¼ Cup Maple Syrup
½ Teaspoon Salt
½ Teaspoon Pepper

Measure out, sort through to make sure there are no rocks, and rinse two cups of dried beans. Add the beans to a pot with 6 cups of water. You can soak the beans overnight and drain and rinse them in the morning, or you can allow the beans to come to a boil, boiling for two minutes before turning off the heat, and allowing the beans to soak for one hour. Regardless, once the beans have soaked drain and rinse them. At this point add 4-6 cups of water and allow the beans to simmer for 40 – 60 minutes, or until tender.

While the beans are simmering you can quickly make the dressing for the salad. In a bowl simply whisk together the mustard, vinegar, syrup, salt and pepper.

Once the beans have cooked and cooled combine them in a bowl with the pepper, nuts, basil, and half of the dressing. Stir the salad thoroughly so that everything is evenly distributed and coated with dressing, but be careful as well.

Top the salad with Parmesan cheese and enjoy! 

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