Thursday, February 26, 2015

Cherry Vanilla Swirl Ice Cream

This week’s recipe is incredibly simple and only involves two-to-three ingredients.

What You’ll Need…

1 48oz Vanilla Ice Cream
1 15oz Can Cherry Pie Filling
1 – 1 ½ Cups Chocolate Candies (Your choice) [Optional]

Remove the ice cream from the freezer and allow it to thaw slightly. Place the ice cream in a large mixing bowl and mix to loosen it up. Add the pie filling and chocolate and mix so that the add-ins are evenly distributed.

Place the ice cream back into the ice cream carton. There will be too much for all of it to fit into the original container, so place the extra in an air-tight freezer safe container. Once the ice cream has been placed in the containers place it in the freezer and allow it to re-freeze.

Before you plan to serve the ice cream, allow it to thaw at room temperature until it is scoop-able or microwave it for about 30 seconds in 15 second intervals. This is because it will be harder than regular ice cream after re-freezing.


Thursday, February 19, 2015

Chocolate Chip Carrot Cake with Chocolate Cream Cheese Icing

In the past I have said that I don’t like when “weird things are added to carrot cake. Well the addition of chocolate is super good and is great for special occasions.

What You’ll Need…

3 Cups Carrots (Grated) [6 medium carrots]
4 Eggs
1 ¼ Cups Vegetable Oil
1 Cup Granulated Sugar
1 Cup Brown Sugar
1 Tablespoon Vanilla Extract
2 Cups All-Purpose Flour
2 Teaspoons Baking Soda
2 Teaspoons Baking Powder
½ Teaspoon Salt
1 Tablespoon Cinnamon
1/8 Teaspoon Nutmeg
1 Cup Dark Chocolate Chips

Cream Cheese Icing:

3 Cups Powdered Sugar
8oz Cream Cheese (Softened)
8oz Butter (Softened)
2 Teaspoons Vanilla Extract (Or a vanilla bean)
½ Cup Unsweetened Cocoa Powder

Preheat your oven to 350.

Start out by grating your carrots; 3 cups of grated carrots is about 6 medium carrots.

In a large mixing bowl beat together the eggs, oil, granulated and brown sugar, and vanilla.

Once the “wet” ingredients are combined carefully mix in the flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg.

Once combined the wet and dry ingredients are combined add in the carrots and chocolate chips and mix thoroughly so that the carrots and chocolate are evenly distributed.

Now, grease two 9-inch round cake pans and divide the cake batter evenly into the two pans. Place the cake pans on baking sheets just in case some batter spills over… less clean up later.

Bake the cakes at 350 for 40-50 minutes. Test with a toothpick or cake tester; the cakes are done when the tester comes out clean.

Once the cakes are removed from the oven allow them to cool in the pans for 10 minutes before turning them out onto a cooling rack to cool completely.

When the cakes are cooling/cooled start on the icing. In a mixing bowl combine the powdered sugar, cream cheese, butter, vanilla, and cocoa powder. You can use a mixer (stand or hand) if you choose, but I personally prefer the consistence I get when I mix the icing by hand with a spoon.

When the cakes are completely cooled and the icing is made ice the cakes using an offset spatula or even a table knife. Start out by placing on of the cake on the dish that you are going to serve/display the cake on. Carefully ice the top of that first cake round before placing the second cake on top. Now ice the top of the second cake and carefully move icing over the sides to ice the sides of the cake (if you choose to that is.)
I personally prefer to let the cake chill in the refrigerator to allow the icing to set for at least an hour before serving. Store the left over cake covered in the refrigerator.

Simply slice and eat. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Cheesy Bread

This recipe has two of the best foods in the world—bread and cheese. What’s not to love? It’s also really simple to make.

What You’ll Need…

1 Baguette
1 Tablespoon Butter
Garlic Powder
½ - 1 Cup Shredded Cheese (You choice but a good melting cheese.)

Start out by grating the cheese if necessary. Now cut the baguette in half and cut each half in half lengthwise so that you have four pieces of bread.

On each piece of bread spread ½ Tablespoon of butter. On top of the butter spread a small amount of mayonnaise, don’t worry you can’t taste it.

Sprinkle garlic powder on top of the mayo and place the cheese on top of that. How much cheese you use depends on how much cheese you like.

Place the bread on a baking sheet and place in the oven under the broiler. Allow the bread to bake for about 3 minutes. When the cheese is melted and slightly browned remove the bread from the oven.
