Thursday, February 26, 2015

Cherry Vanilla Swirl Ice Cream

This week’s recipe is incredibly simple and only involves two-to-three ingredients.

What You’ll Need…

1 48oz Vanilla Ice Cream
1 15oz Can Cherry Pie Filling
1 – 1 ½ Cups Chocolate Candies (Your choice) [Optional]

Remove the ice cream from the freezer and allow it to thaw slightly. Place the ice cream in a large mixing bowl and mix to loosen it up. Add the pie filling and chocolate and mix so that the add-ins are evenly distributed.

Place the ice cream back into the ice cream carton. There will be too much for all of it to fit into the original container, so place the extra in an air-tight freezer safe container. Once the ice cream has been placed in the containers place it in the freezer and allow it to re-freeze.

Before you plan to serve the ice cream, allow it to thaw at room temperature until it is scoop-able or microwave it for about 30 seconds in 15 second intervals. This is because it will be harder than regular ice cream after re-freezing.


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