Friday, April 26, 2019

Cabbage Bowls

Last month we had some cabbage left over after St. Patrick’s Day and I wanted to do something with it besides make coleslaw. I had an idea and I went with it – it has become one of my new favorite things to make and to eat! The measurements in this recipe are in grams for the vegetables and ounces or even cups for other goodies. If you’re not looking for accurate measurements for calorie counting purposes you can eyeball the amount, however, a kitchen scale is a great tool to have. (We gave in and bought one the fall and use it multiple times a day. Definitely worth the ~$20 spent.

What You’ll Need…

Cabbage [Chopped] (200g per person)
Spices (Your favorites)
¼ Cup Water

Mix and Match Add Ins: (The amounts for these depend on what you like and how many people the dish is being made for.)
Onions (100 – 200g)
Zucchini (150 – 300g)
Bell Pepper (100 – 200g)
½ Cup Peas
3 – 8oz Meat of your Choice Cut into Bite Sized Pieces [Pork, Beef, Chicken, Sausage, etc.]  (Per person)
1 Serving Cooked Pasta
½ - 1 Cup Cooked Rice
Your Favorite Sauce

Start out by measuring out and chopping your chosen vegetables. Add the chopped cabbage to a deep 10in skillet along with the water. Cover the pan and allow to cook over medium-low heat for 10 minutes. Mix twice to avoid sticking.

After 10 minutes add in your additional vegetables and your chosen spices. Cover again and allow to cook for at least an additional 10 minutes. Mix twice to avoid sticking. The longer you let everything cook the softer it will be.

While the vegetables are cooking prefer your additional items like meats, starches, and sauces.

Once the vegetables are cooked to your liking remove them from the heat and divide evenly for the number of people to be served. Add in your extras (meat, starch, and sauce) and mix to combine.


Our current favorite combination is cabbage, peas, zucchini, red bell pepper, chicken, rice, sour cream and barbecue sauce.

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