Monday, January 21, 2013

Beef Stew

I apologize for not posting a recipe this past Wednesday; my husband and I were at Disney World. Due to the lack of a recipe last week I will be posting two this week. One will be posted today, obviously, and another on Wednesday. In the past week the weather has gotten colder, in most places at least. It was even in the 60’s for a few days while we were in Florida. That was definitely a welcome change from the 85 degree temperatures that we were met with last Saturday. Now, when it is cold outside most people look for a hot meal to warm themselves up. One such meal is stew.

Stew is simple to make, all you need is a crock-pot. Stew is also delicious.

What You’ll Need…

1lb Stew Meat
2-3 Tablespoons Worcestershire Sauce
2 Large Carrots (Chopped)
2 Stalks Celery (Chopped)
½ Onion Diced
2 Large Potatoes (Chopped) [Three medium or four-to-five small potatoes would also work.]
1/2 Bell Pepper (Cut in stripes) (Optional)
2 Cups Water
Spices [Any kind you like.] (To taste)
2 Handfuls of frozen Corn [This is about a cup.] (Optional)
½ - 1 Cup of Rice (Optional)

Start out by placing the pound of stew meat in the crock-pot and cover with the Worcestershire sauce. Once the meat and sauce are in the crock-pot turn it on to low and begin chopping the vegetables. 

You can chop the vegetables to whatever size you like. However, I usually cut the carrots into ½ inch pieces, the celery into ¼ - ½ inch pieces, the potatoes into one inch pieces, and dice the onions. If you choose to use bell peppers cut them into stripes. Place the vegetables into the crock-pot as you finish with each type of vegetable.

Next, cover the meat and vegetables with 2 cups of water. Place the lid on the pot and leave it alone. Stir about once every hour.

One hour before you plan to serve the stew add the spices. You can use any kind of herbs and spices that you like. I normally use basil, oregano, parsley, rosemary, garlic powders, pepper, and red pepper flakes. Once you add all of your spices makes sure that you stir well. 

If you want to include the corn and rice add both half an hour before you plan to serve the stew. The corn adds something to the stew. If you like a stew with a lot of broth do not add any rice, the rice will suck all of the water out of the stew. I personally like a thick stew, so the rice brings the stew to the texture I like. If you do not want all of the broth to be taken out of the stew you can sprinkle in flour when you add the spices to thicken it up to your liking. 

On low the stew takes about 6-7 hours to cook completely. If you wish to have the stew more quickly you can use the high setting and this will have you stew completely cooked in about 3-4 hours.

Once it is completely ladle the stew into bowls and enjoy. It is great by itself, or with a slice of homemade, or even store bought bread. I personally like to top it with ketchup.

Let the leftovers cool completely before refrigerating.


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