Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Chocolate Chip Cocoa Brownies

As most of you know Howard and I were in Pittsburgh for a few days. Well, we were there to see my youngest brother graduate from high school. Of course, being the cook sister I am I brought something to the party; and that something was these brownies.

Now, two other relatives had also brought brownies; so mine did not disappear as quickly as I would have like, but I guarantee you that these are delicious. My recipe is based off Food Network’s Alton Brown’s Cocoa Brownie Recipe.

If you like homemade, super chocolate-y brownies, then these are for you. Note: These are by no means healthy.

What You’ll Need…

Soft butter, for greasing the pan
Flour, for dusting the buttered pan
4 Large Eggs
1 Cup Sugar
1 Cup Brown Sugar
8oz Melted Butter (2 Sticks)
11/4 Cups Cocoa
2 Teaspoons Vanilla Extract
½ Cup Flour
½ Teaspoon Salt
6oz Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips

First, preheat your oven to 300.

Now, butter and flour an 8-inch square pan. You can just use cooking spray, but this is one place where I take the extra time to thoroughly grease my pan. You don’t want to lose any of the delicious chocolate-yness.

In a mixing bowl combine all ingredients but the chocolate chips. After you have mixed the batter fairly well add the chocolate chips and mix well. You can always beat the eggs and sugar and sift all of the dry ingredients, but the brownies turn out just fine when you dump everything into the bowl. Make sure that you mix the batter thoroughly so that all of the ingredients are combined well. Be sure to scrape the bottom of the bowl. (You can always use a mixer if you so choose.)

Pour the batter into the greased and floured pan and bake at 300 for 45 minutes. Check for doneness at about 40 minutes, all ovens are different. When they are done a tooth-pick should come out clean. Cool the brownies in the pan on a cooling rack for about 20minutes, that way you don’t burn your mouth.

Enjoy plain, or topped with icing or ice cream.


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