Thursday, June 20, 2013

Zucchini Lasagna

After last week’s delicious, yet high-calorie recipe, I figured that a relatively healthy dish was in order. I personally love lasagna and I love zucchini, and the two together is amazing! Two of the greatest things about this dish are that it is delicious and because the zucchini is the “pasta” there is no waiting for water to boil.

This is one time where you have to be extremely careful in the kitchen. To get the zucchini thin enough to be like pasta you either need to have extreme skill with a knife or use a mandolin; either way, please approach this with caution.

What You’ll Need…

3-4 Medium Zucchini (Thinly sliced, long ways)
1lb Ground Meat (Any kind you like.)
1-1 ½ Cups Tomato Sauce
1- 1 ½ Cups Cheese (You can use more or less, depending on how much you like cheese. Also, use any kind you like.)
6oz Goat Cheese (Optional)
1 ½ Cups Corn
Spices (Of your choice, to taste.)

Preheat your oven to 375.

As always, start out with the vegetables. Carefully, thinly slice the zucchini.

Once the zucchini is sliced move on to the meat. Brown the meat in a skillet. While the meat is browning bring the corn to a boil. When both the meat and corn are cooked combine them in the skillet and add the spices of your choice.

In a greased 9 x 13 pan lay a layer of zucchini followed by meat and corn, then the goat cheese, the other cheese(s), and finally the sauce. Repeat this pattern again for a second layer. 

The final layer should be zucchini. Top with a thin layer of sauce and sprinkle with parmesan cheese.
Spray the underside of aluminum foil and cover the lasagna. Bake covered at 375 for 30 minutes, and an additional 10-12 minutes uncovered.
Allow the lasagna to rest for a few minutes before serving so that it isn’t as runny. Store left overs covered with foil in the refrigerator.


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