Tuesday, May 12, 2015

BBQ Roasted Cauliflower

Things have been crazy busy around here lately with school, but I have some down time this week so I finally get to write about the things that I love. One of those things is food.

A few weeks ago I shared a recipe for cauliflower rice – which is delicious – but it leaves you with the stalk part of the cauliflower. This recipe gives you something to do with the rest of the head of cauliflower after you cut all of the florets off.

What You’ll Need…

1 Head of Cauliflower (With or without the florets.)
Olive Oil
BBQ Sauce

Pre-heat your oven to 400.

Cut the cauliflower into chunks, place on a sheet tray and drizzle with olive oil.

Place the tray in the oven and allow it to bake for about 8 minutes. Remove the cauliflower and brush with your favorite BBQ sauce. Return the tray to the oven and allow it to bake for an additional 5-8 minutes.


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