Thursday, November 27, 2014

"Harvest" Lasagna

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I know that this is a day late, but I figured that it was appropriate to share this with you today. Last week I shared an idea for getting rid of the leftover Thanksgiving desserts—well this week I have a use for the rest of those leftovers. You only need a few extra ingredients to make this dish a possibility.  

What You’ll Need…

1 Package Lasagna Noodles
3 Cups Shredded Turkey (Or Ground Turkey if you prefer.)
1-1 ½ Cups Cranberry Sauce
2 Cups Corn
1 15oz Can Pumpkin Puree
1 Egg
3 Tablespoons Butter
3 Tablespoons Flour
2 Cups Milk
½ Cup Dijon Mustard
Salt (To Taste)
Pepper (To taste)
Nutmeg (To taste)
4-6oz Goat Cheese

If you are using ground turkey instead of leftover turkey, cook the turkey all of the way through. Also, if your noodles require cooking allow the water to come to a boil while you make the béchamel sauce.

In a medium sauce pan melt 3 tablespoons of butter. Once the butter has melted add the flour and whisk the two together. Allow the mixture to cook for 1-2 minutes. Now add the milk and whisk occasionally until the sauce thickens. Once the sauce has thickened add the salt, pepper, nutmeg, and mustard. (If your noodles require cooking the water should be at a boil at this point. Cook the noodles per the instructions on the book.)

In a small bowl combine the pumpkin and the egg. Also cook the corn.

Once everything has been cooked, grease a 9x13 pan. Place a layer of béchamel sauce on the bottom of the pan followed by a layer of noodles. The next layer after the noodles should be slightly less than half of the sauce that is left, then half of the  pumpkin mixture followed by half of the meat and corn which should be topped by spoonfulls of the cranberry sauce (use all of it in this layer), and complete with a layer of half of the cheese.

Top the cheese layer with noodles and repeat all of the layers expect for the cranberry sauce. After the second layer of cheese place one last layer of noodles and top that a thin layer of béchamel or pumpkin tomato sauce.

Cover the lasagna with foil and bake at 375 covered for 45 minutes. After 45 minutes, remove the foil return to the oven for 15 more minutes.

After removing the lasagna from the oven allow it rest for at least five minutes for easier serving.


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