Wednesday, May 15, 2013

General Tso's Tofu

As you all know, my husband and I have been on a healthier eating/weight loss mission. As part of that mission we decided to have at least one day a week where we don’t eat meat; some days we have seafood, some days pasta, and other days we have tofu.

I know, I know, tofu is a scary word. I had tried it once when I was littler and didn’t like it, so I didn’t think that I would ever eat it again. Well, a few months ago I was given a recipe that called for tofu and since then it is something that is always in our fridge.

For those of you that don’t know, tofu really doesn’t taste like anything; so it picks up the flavors of whatever you put it with. And that quality makes it in a way like chicken, and perfect for this recipe.

What You’ll Need…

1lb Firm Tofu
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
2-3 Tablespoons General Tso’s Sauce

Before you can do anything with the tofu you need to get some of the water out of it. To do so place paper towels on a baking sheet, place the tofu on top, and more paper towels on top of the tofu. Use something like a coffee can to press down, and allow the tofu to sit for about 20 minutes.

Once some of the water has been removed from the tofu cut it into bite size pieces, whether that is small or large bite size pieces is up to you. Now, pour a tablespoon of olive oil into a skillet and allow it to heat up. When the oil it warm add the tofu and allow it to sear on all sides. This takes about 10 minutes.

Once the tofu is seared add the general Tso’s sauce. Make sure that all of the pieces are coated. Allow the sauce to warm up and sink into the tofu, about 5 minutes.

Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator.


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