Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Spiced Tofu Quesadillas

Once a week we have salad night for dinner; we also have a meatless night once a week and the other night we combined the two. We had decided to have salad with quesadillas and when I went to the fridge to grab the ingredients I saw that we still had tofu and that it needed to be used… our plans changed a little and it turned out to be way better than I thought it would be.

What You’ll Need…

1lb Extra Firm Tofu
8 Flour Tortillas
1-2 Cups Grated Cheese (Your choice and as much as you like.)
2oz Goat Cheese
Chili Powder (To taste)
Onion Powder (To taste)
1 tablespoon Olive Oil

Start out by pressing your tofu for at least 30 minutes to rid it of excess water. Once the tofu has been pressed tip it up onto its side and cut it into 4 equal steaks.

At this time pre-heat your oven to 200 and add the olive oil to a medium skillet. Allow the oil to heat before placing the tofu in and allowing it to become golden on both sides. (This will obviously require you to flip the tofu half way through.)

When the tofu has been browned place it on top of a paper towel lined plate and pat the tops dry with a paper towel to rid it of some of the excess oil. Once the excess oil has been removed cut eat tofu steak in half lengthwise.

Now to make the quesadillas…

Place a tortilla down to be the bottom. Sprinkle the desired amount of cheese on top of the tortilla and sprinkle the chili and onion powder on top of that. Place two pieces of tofu on top of the cheese and spices, top that with ½ an ounce of goat cheese, and top with a second tortilla.

Place the assembled quesadilla in a dry skillet and all to heat through and the cheese to melt. Flip the quesadilla once half way through.

When the quesadilla is complete place it on a plate or pizza pan and place in the 200 degree oven to keep warm.

Repeat the process.

Once all of the quesadillas are done cut them into triangles and enjoy!

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